Active Projects
Water Main Interconnection with Worcester
The project involves a permanent, supplemental drinking water interconnection between the City of Worcester and the Auburn Water District. The project will involve installation of a water main along Southbridge Street from the Auburn‐Worcester boundary to Sword Street. The project will also involve the construction of an above-ground pressure relief valve (PRV)/water metering facility situated approximately 400 feet from the Town/City line on the western side of Southbridge Street.
Most of the District’s water supply wells are vulnerable to potential contamination due to the proximity of numerous major highways (i.e., I-90, I-290, I-395, SR 20, SR 12). Potential contamination sources include sodium and chloride loading from winter road salting and fuel spills from frequent accidents. The District’s system can typically meet water demands while sustaining normal pressures during a maximum demand week, however, if one or two wells are rendered inoperable, storage tanks may not recover during a maximum demand week. This could result in water shortages and/or decreased water pressure below normal levels.

Southbridge Street Water Main
Construction Start Date: October 10, 2023
This portion of the Interconnection Project involves overseeing the installation of approximately 3,000 feet of new 12-inch ductile iron water main. This phase of the project is scheduled to begin on October 10 and will take place on Southbridge Street between Sword Street and the Worcester-Aburn line.
The new 12-inch concrete lined ductile iron water main will be installed along the western edge of Southbridge Street, however two-way traffic will be maintained during the work hours. Residents, commuters and emergency vehicles will have full access during the project. Signs informing motorists about the project will be placed at both ends of the work area. Roads will not be closed, though motorists may expect delays in the area. The Police Department will provide Traffic Safety Detail Officers to assist with vehicular and pedestrian traffic management and increase work zone safety.
This work will not require any service interruptions or scheduled shutoffs to District customers. The project is anticipated to take seven weeks to complete, however weather delays and the closing of the MassDOT’s construction calendar may require the work to be completed in the spring.
Please see the Construction Announcement for additional details.

Pressure Reducing Valve / Metering Building
This portion of the project includes the installation of a prefabricated building to house the mechanical and electrical equipment necessary to operate and meter the interconnection with the City of Worcester’s water supply system. A pressure reducing valve is necessary as Worcester’s water supply on Southbridge Street is higher than Auburn’s system. The facility will also house a master water meter to record the amount of water used, as well as a radio system to communicate with the District’s existing supervisory control and data acquisition system.
The 21-foot by 11-foot precast concrete building was set on the footings on September 21, 2023. The contractor installed the two 12-inch water main pipes from the property line into the building, including one exterior fire hydrant. The interior mechanical and electrical work will be completed with the Sword Street pipe jacking project.

Sword Street Crossing
This portion of the project includes the pipe jacking of a 12-inch water main beneath Kettle Brook and the Genesse & Wyoming Railroad. A pit will be excavated adjacent to Sword Street for the jacking of a 220-foot long 24-inch diameter steel casing beneath Kettle Brook and the railroad to a receiving pit adjacent to Southbridge Street. The 12-inch water main will then be inserted through the casing. The new pipe will be connected to the existing water main on Sword Street and the new main on Southbridge Street.