Water Treatment
The District has three water treatment plants that utilize Greensand Plus to remove and filter manganese, soluble iron, hydrogen sulfide, arsenic, and radium from their corresponding raw water supply wells. The GreensandPlus media is coated with manganese dioxide, this coating provides the catalyst in the oxidation reaction of iron and manganese. The media is housed in 10-12 foot diameter pressure filters, depending on the facility’s flow rate. Each treatment plant is equipped with a chlorine gas feed system for disinfection, potassium hydroxide injection for pH adjustment, and an orthophosphate injection system for corrosion control. Once the water is treated at each station, it goes directly to the distribution system.
Other wells within the water supply system are treated at their respective pumping stations with sodium hypochlorite for disinfection, potassium hydroxide for pH adjustment, and orthophosphate for corrosion control.